Urban Planners Queensland

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The 6 Stages of Development Assessment in QLD.

There are 6 key stages to the development assessment (DA) process in Queensland. These steps may not apply to every application so it is important to take professional guidance from your private town planner who can provide project specific guides.  

Stage 1: Pre-lodgement

The first step in the development assessment process is the pre-lodgement stage. While it's technically voluntary and does not form part of the State planning legislation, it may be advisable to engage with the assessment manager and any referral agencies early. This early interaction with the decision-making entities, serves to identify potential issues and additional information requirements. By reaching out at this stage, you can streamline the assessment process and prevent unnecessary delays.


Stage 2: Application

When you are ready to formally apply for development approval, it's essential to ensure that your application meets the necessary criteria to be "properly made." This involves providing all the required documentation, including plans, reports, and forms. Incomplete applications can lead to delays and may even result in rejection.


Stage 3: Referral

In some cases, a development application may require additional assessment beyond what the Council assessment manager can provide. This is where referral agencies come into play. These agencies specialise in specific aspects of development and may be a State Agency (e.g. environment) or an energy provider (e.g. Energex). The referral agency assesses your application and provides recommendations to the Council assessment manager.


Stage 4: Information Request

After reviewing the application, both the assessment manager and referral agencies have the opportunity to request more information from the applicant if necessary. This stage ensures that all parties involved have a complete understanding of the proposed development. It's important to respond to these requests promptly to keep the assessment process moving.


Stage 5: Public Notification

This stage only applies to impact assessable development applications. Once the application is thoroughly reviewed, it enters the public notification stage. During this period, the community has the opportunity to make submissions or objections about the development application. The assessment manager will consider these submissions when making their decision.


Stage 6: Decision

The final stage of the development assessment process involves the Council assessment manager making a decision on the development application. They may choose to approve the application, approve it in part, approve it with conditions, or refuse it. This decision is based on a thorough evaluation of the application, any feedback received during public notification, and compliance with relevant planning regulations.